Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do you think we'll ever have live Google Earth?

I'm not asking if it's possible, I don't want to get into a debate about satellites and orbits and solar panels...

I'm asking from a moral standpoint. You wouldn't be able to read someone's book from space but you could follow them anywhere. The police could even use it to catch dangerous criminals on the run or as video evidence for almost any court case.

Do you think this would ever be implemented or do you think that people would argue that it invades their privacy?|||.no|||NASA, the CIA, FBI, KGB and other abbr.-organizations already use that sort of high-technology.|||It is an invasion of privacy. Also the government already has a sattelite that does that, so they could use that to catch criminals.|||The capacity already exists and is used by the militaries and intelligence agencies. I don't think Google will ever be allowed to do it though.|||I really hope not. It would also help stalkers and paparazzi. It would be helpful if only the police could use it.|||It would be invasion of privacy


i wouldnt want someone spying on me|||No, I think that that would be very unconstitutional.|||just a matter of time|||I wish

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