Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Google earth info OR live video cam of an area that I can see personal property live right now at no charge.?

I am in need of a way to spy on my property that may be in danger in Louisiana. I don't subscribe to google earth some people tell me it's a way to see however there is a $400.00 price tag on the good program. I would like maybe if some knows a way to do this either at no charge or from another program maybe. I am located in the Stow - Akron OHIO area. So if anyone knows anyone that may have this service please email me as maybe they can help me spy on my property to see if it's ok. Thanks, Mary|||I don't have any service but I have something for you to try. If you didn't do this yet then you should. Have you tried downloading a Google Earth trial yet? It works and you can see the world from your computer. The reason theres a trial is because you have to buy it for a certain amounts cost. Anyway google earth is a program that lets you see pictures taken at verious times in the year so nothing there is recorded and the program isn't really like the HD sort of thing. When you try to veiw something up close it turns out to be blurry. I hope this helped.

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