Saturday, February 11, 2012

Google Earth is good but its photos are old is there any website gives new or live photos for any place on ear

i hate that google earth should be live isnt it supposed to be?? well i have it and it isnt. u might have to buy it instead of just downloading. anyway i dont think u can get 100percent live but i tred a few try its ok and not that far back|||lol if you a millionaire u might be able to buy a satellite which keeps track of all places i dunno. there probably is a live one but it is only used by certain authorities.

besides one reason why they will never release a live version of google earth is because ppl can be stalked. imagine someone tracking down where u r using it. it would actually seem kinda cool that u could track someone down but would u rly want several ppl chasing u around the world lol?|||Im sorry but this software is the only and best way of viewing images..Depending on what area you want updated photos you will have to try Google search and see if there are any but i doubt it..

Also Google Earth will never have live feeds for everyone unlesss your in the military..

It would be an invasion of everyones privacy.. It would be too helpfull to terrorists...

I would not want live Google Earth images ever..The software as it is is a brilliant piece of kit but still needs to be improved in quality in certain areas and regular updates would be enough for me..

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