Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is satellite view of eartf from Google Earth is live pictures or not?

No. Weeks to years old depending on the area of the world and when satellite coverage was available.|||NOt live|||no|||Of course not. It takes time to download the images and archive it.|||iTS DEFINANTLY NOT LIVE, i JUST BUILT MY HOUSE AND IT DOESN'T SHOW UP, UNLESS i WAS JUST BLOWN UP BY A BOMB CAUSE ALL THERE IS IS A MOUND OF DIRT WHERE MY HOUSE SITS NOW!|||The satellite images you are looking at are only updated in areas that have rapid growth such as Las Vegas. Even in an area such as Anaheim, California where the bulldozed large buildings to build sky scrapers, it is not updated yet. I can visually see truck loads of dirt being removed as well as acres of land that is leveled yet the google images show the old buildings still there. GOOD QUESTION. Have you noticed some images have cars that are greyed out? Sort of odd but for the most part these images are very accurate and very interesting to look at.|||Since all the world is depicted in daylight, you could have guessed...

So far live satellite data (as in less than an hour old) costs big money and is not put on the web for free.|||It is not live. SOme of them are even years old.|||no, they're from the '80s.|||No, because there are restrictions on what can actually be made available to the general public.

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