Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is there something like google earth but shows you live footage?

like you can see people walking down the street|||Not unless you're a high-ranking member of the Federal Government or intelligence agency, or you own your own Satellite.

It is hard to imagine the far-reaching effects of such a program being accessible to the general public (including criminals, terrorists).|||no way

that would so slick if there was|||Yes. Its called NSC. Also used for DOD, FBI, CIA but this technology isn't open to open public.|||The technology exists, but it's not open to the public.

Do you really want your ex-girlfriends (boyfriends) to be able to watch all you do?|||Yes there is and ill give you the link to the site. thing is its based on triangulation and you have to provide it with the mobile phone number of any person and the signal its emitting it will be able to track that person and zoom in on their location giving you a rough image of them and what their doing. check it out Big Brother:|||yes there is, its part of wikepedia a friend had it on his computer in ireland and i could see people walking about in times sqare but there are only so many cameras scattered about at the moment around the globe.|||Dead Pixel--Great website!

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