Saturday, February 11, 2012

Where can i find live satellite images of where i live, and not outdated ones like google earth?

It's a no go area I'm afraid. Security departments of government can do this but think about it. If you could do it every burglar in the world could watch for you going out and rob you in the certain knowledge that your house was unoccupied. It really is not a sensible idea if you think about it. Good luck.|||You can get one at your county or city government center, depending on how they have it set up. Look for the GIS (geographic information systems) department. They can get an Aerial photo for you at any time as recent as 10 minutes ago.|||Dude, you're not Jack Bauer.|||Chances are you're not going to be able to find such images. Since if you were able to get a current pic of your house, what would stop you or anyone else from getting pic of your g/f house or your boss's house etc.

You may be able to search around on the net to find a place that would fly a plane over your place and take a picture.|||I think nearly all places to get images like that are slightly outdated. I mean you dont see cameras in the sky all the time filming you,

Try google maps or windows live local they are sometimes more up to date



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