Saturday, February 11, 2012

In google earth what we are watching is live or phote?

Photos with 3d dimension ...|||It shows photos due to security and privacy reasons.And google people cant afford a trillion satellite transponders for all to provide live pictures.|||Although it is live but still u won't be able to see the moving objects,as they are very small,won't be captured by satellite camera due to distance %26amp; darkness.|||in google earth there is photo, it is not live.

and also there are no located some secret region for security purpose.

so there is photo not live.|||It's a composite of 1000's of photos of different ages. Areas with a low population are refreshed at a slower rate than ones with more people.|||It is not live. It is only a compilation of photos|||those are not live images, those statellite pics which is taken at a regular interval.|||It's made up of a lot of different photos. Some are up to 3 or 4 years old while some are only a few months old.|||these are photos not live|||Photo.|||my answer is short GOOGLE EARTH IS LIKE A GAME|||photo|||no doubt it is pre catched photos i feel it

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