Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You know I thought google earth was a live sattelite picture showing, but I dont see cars moving and all.?

Google Earth does not have a live satellite feed. They use still images between 1 and 3 years old. Not all of the images are from satellites either. Some of the images are from aircraft.|||Not live.

It's satelite photography. soem of it maybe 1 year old.

It's an awesome site none the less.|||actually some of them are 5 years old|||well......... you need to zoom in on the area you want and ya....................... google earth is live satellite vidio....... but it has a lot of limitations|||zoom up more.....|||its a high resolution satellite picture taken from years concentrate on big cities and capitals specially for navigation|||Google Earth. Yes I like it, but the images were taken some years ago. Not sure how long, but when I looked at my hometown, I saw a building which is not there anymore. It was demolished about 5 or 6 years ago.

Another point is this: The speed of the satellite is such that it would be impossible to view anything moving - it simply took pictures. Big Brother is watching you, dude!|||My guess would be that the image that you see is actually a composite of multiple still photographs.

As the satellite rotates, at fixed intervals you take a snap. So two successive snaps would differ by some distance covered and you overlap them to get the whole picture.

Also I am not sure if Google has access to images of such a resolution that allows cars to be displayed (that would be like 1m res)

Either of these could cause your cars to not appear really

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