Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is there any software called "google live"? i have heard u can see live video of any location on earth with it

my friend was just telling me google has released a software called "google live" with which you can zoom in on any house or locality n see what is happening there.. i am not talkin about google 'earth' . i mean we can see the video with it .. is anything of this type out there ??|||IT'S ACTUALLY GOOGLE EARTH ITS A SOFTWARE WHICH SHOWS U PICTURES OF THE TOPS OF UR BUILDINGS OR RATHER GIVES U AN AERIAL VIEW OF ANY PLACE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD U CAN DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE:)

BUT THE VIDEO THING UR FRIEND SAID WAS A LIE.THE WORLD IS NOT SOOO ADVANCED|||It's google earth and you get a grainy picture. someone's been pulling your leg. hope it wasn't painful.|||Yes, actually you could download it free from the Google website. It's called, "Google Earth" or at .

I tried it and it was fun!!! Even saw our own home too:-)!

Enjoy...|||Google earth. Depending on where you want to look, the resolution of the terrain will be fabulous or spotty. Try to look for instance at London, England and you will see fabulous detail. Try to look at the philippine island of Cebu and your resolution will be very poor... no up close detail.

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