Friday, January 27, 2012

HELP! Is their any way that i can see google earth LIVE??

no, its not cctv,

edit- soz for the rudness, but i know how you feel, when i first found out about it , i want ed to know if it did real time, and i got foolish answers,

i wanted to track down my boyfriend at the time|||no way to see it live, it's pictures taken a long time ago.

try and use the 2nd button on the left hand side... they have very recent pictures on that but not live, no chance as far as i know.|||Nope. Get on a plane or into space if you want it live :)|||No!!!!!!!! its pictures taken form satelite once and u cant have a live peek into it|||No, Google is a tessalation of pictures taken over the past few years.

It's not live, can't be live as the satellites don't have internet connection - and if they did they don't have the bandwidth to offer up a radio link.

Microsoft ( seems to be older in the UK than google maps.|||no, not really:) That would be really cool but it would require a constant feed from many satellites which would bump up the cost ehm..pretty much!|||No way is it live. Here in SE England there's just been an update to better resolution, but it's still ~3 years old. The only real time is Nasa'a Worldwind, but it doesn't. go in close|||As the last post pointed out NASA has a similar satellite viewer which is real time. It is not however the only one, The Russians, Chinese and many others have them. They obviously won't give access to the general public for security reasons. Also not only can they get in close they can actually examine factories and buildings and get a pretty good idea of what is inside them.|||No, it is not live as such, images taken a long time ago

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