Friday, January 27, 2012

Aren't you glad Google Earth is not live and real time? It would allow people to spy on each other and open?

up a lot of legal, moral and privacy issues.|||At the rate technology is advancing, I don't think were to far from being able to spy on each other via the net, Big Brother really will be watching us!

Mind you it's an interesting concept, we would be able to attend our contacts parties, barbecues etc via google earth, just image we could go on virtual holidays with them not forgeting a virtual sleep over, endless virtual possibilities all achieved in real time. In time will we ever need to step out of our front doors? sounds depressing to me actually!|||okie dokie then.|||Yeah, that wouldn't be good for me since I literally have a glass ceiling.|||It is live if your a government official, those things run video man. You just can't see on a cloudy day obviously.|||Wow, nobody thought of that! You are clever!|||yeah, but think about how cool that would be ?

always the negative, with others - isnt it ? :D|||i guess|||Yeah, that would be BS. It will probably be like that in a few years..

My ex could have caught me cheating on him.. j/k|||Yeah. That would be very creepy..|||nope i would love that|||Yes, it's definitely not live;

I saw my truck in the old driveway, a year after I moved.....!!|||Well I'd like to spy on others...but yeah I guess I'm glad.|||Definitely! Although I have to admit it would be pretty cool to see other people's. Haha.|||If it were, people would be able to see which finger I was holding up. Hint: it is not my index finger.

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