Friday, January 27, 2012

Google earth/windows live there anything thats really LIVE or more recent?

i can date google earth as being a couple yrs old , not sure about live%26amp;local but its not that recent either...anything actually live and better focused?|||Yes, you are right, Google Earth is not that recent. However, they say that they are continuosly updating the pictures so that they are at most 3 years old.

However, if you are still looking for the "live"st pictures, there are some sites on the internet that let you to take a satellite picture (but you need to pay, of course). All you need to do is to give them the exact data for the latitude %26amp; longitude. Then, in 2 or 3 days, they will send you the picture. You can make a google search for these sites (they are usually military sites).

On the other hand, I don't know any program or sites that lets you to view recent photos and that is free.|||dunno sry|||we can't get wat u mean|||Google earth of my block is at least 4 years old. The townhouses across the street were built at least that long ago, but show up as an empty lot. And yes, it's very blurry.

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