Friday, January 27, 2012

What are the best 3D images on Local Live or Google Earth?

The places when you zoom right in are 3D and not blurry!|||On LocalLive. Liberty Island and Alcatraz.

Wow!|||Thanks voters!!

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its BIG an clear

Google Earth Live? or Something like it?

Is there such thing? even if I have to pay ( I mean if it isn't to much xD)

Just want to check like my house and friends' houses for fun uses only.|||i don't think so. that will be spying. i think thats illegal. they don't have that much satellites.|||I don't think there is Google Earth LIVE, we're not that advanced. Besides, it would be really useful for stalkers...

help me out?;鈥?/a>|||google earth isn't live. i went and googled my house and it happened to have the pics of 2 people walking in, the same people,,,,,every.....single...time|||The army has stuff like that but you're not going to unless you have your own satellite.|||no even if there was it would be extremely expensive

HELP! Is their any way that i can see google earth LIVE??

no, its not cctv,

edit- soz for the rudness, but i know how you feel, when i first found out about it , i want ed to know if it did real time, and i got foolish answers,

i wanted to track down my boyfriend at the time|||no way to see it live, it's pictures taken a long time ago.

try and use the 2nd button on the left hand side... they have very recent pictures on that but not live, no chance as far as i know.|||Nope. Get on a plane or into space if you want it live :)|||No!!!!!!!! its pictures taken form satelite once and u cant have a live peek into it|||No, Google is a tessalation of pictures taken over the past few years.

It's not live, can't be live as the satellites don't have internet connection - and if they did they don't have the bandwidth to offer up a radio link.

Microsoft ( seems to be older in the UK than google maps.|||no, not really:) That would be really cool but it would require a constant feed from many satellites which would bump up the cost ehm..pretty much!|||No way is it live. Here in SE England there's just been an update to better resolution, but it's still ~3 years old. The only real time is Nasa'a Worldwind, but it doesn't. go in close|||As the last post pointed out NASA has a similar satellite viewer which is real time. It is not however the only one, The Russians, Chinese and many others have them. They obviously won't give access to the general public for security reasons. Also not only can they get in close they can actually examine factories and buildings and get a pretty good idea of what is inside them.|||No, it is not live as such, images taken a long time ago

Is there a new google earth thats free not to pay for. and does google earth have live traffic.?

where you can see live traffic like you can a picture of my house.|||there is a free version of google earth on their website and no it is not in real time. It is around 2-4yrs old if that. I have added some additions to my house and yard round 2-3yrs ago and 1 shows up but the other does not maybe in a few months or 1yr they will have it were it shows the new yard and house. Thanks|||Yes

Google Earth has a free version and you can see you house!!

No. You cannot see live " streaming" images..If you want to try and find your house or anywhere near you or in the world , "live streaming cams" then type in your search engine, a combination of , live streaming cams and add traffic, beaches, where you live for example, from animals, famous attractions, streets to traffic to people there are live cams everywhere!!

How can i get a free program in that i can see the world live like google earth but live?

you cant unless you are military or have access to NASA satillites|||I don't think that any such program is available to the public. If it were, they'd hardly give it out for free. that's pretty advanced technology you're talkign about there.

Is there a Application out there like Google Earth but live?

I know how my question sounds.... Google Earth accept with a live feed..

Thats what im looking for.. Short of hacking into a Satellite in space or

hacking into the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) which I DO NOT want to do. Im not a hacker. Im just intrested in the earth and whats on it. I love Google Earth.

I was just hopin to see some live shots from above.

It would be cool to see things like Google Earth shows except

live....And as close as Google Earth lets you get to the Earth...

I hope im not being confusing.....|||I'm afraid that that just wouldn't happen.

Certainly not free for the public.

It breeches privacy or something... It's technically spying on people.|||I doubt there's a free service for that, but here's a link you might like:

Will google earth proved 24h live cam for the earth soon?

if not want new features will we have those early years?|||nice idea..that would seem like a really fun thing|||No, because that would violate that national security of every nation on Earth. Only military and government people with high security clearances have access to high resolution live satellite feeds.

Is google earth live/satelite? or is it a long ago taken picture?

please answer soon!!!!! thanx soo much!!|||I can't tell you exactly how old, but it is very old. Right now it is probably almost 1 year old.|||it just one hell of a big picture, that is updated a few times along the year|||The pictures are very old. They only update them when it will give them a better quality photo (such as a cloud not being in the way).|||old sattelite pictures|||If Google Earth was accurate we would be seeing a war in Iraq.|||NOAA,NASA, and the other sattelite companys are going to take some new pictures in December 2007.|||I read the above answers and only have to say, :that depends on who you believe"

I,ll let it go at that..|||Well I was lookin at google earth a month ago and I saw my high school and my school has this sort of stone thing real big and it says the year of the graduating class.. and well NOW if u go to my school personally it says 07 but on the google earth it says 04 .. so i guess its like 3yrs|||the datge of the picture depends on the area you live in some are newere than other. by me the pictures are about 6 mnths old. Also Google earth was orignally used by the government, and since they no longer use it it became avaliable to us. but the pictures are updated in some places more than others.|||Its not live.

How we watch live video in google earth or anything else software?

Live feeds will never be allowed due to privacy and peoples security reasons. The only place you can see live video is viewing live traffic cams etc in your area.. The nearest live feeds i have near where i live is a traffic cam which is 1 mile away..You may be luckier and get much closer live traffic cam feeds.|||Google Earth doesn't do 'live' video. The images are months or years old satellite photos. There is no way you are going to see cars moving on the freeways or people walking their dogs! What is cool, though, is that you can 'fly' over the landscape as if it were real. If that is not working, then you need to look at the specs of your PC. Maybe you need to update your graphics card and/or memory.

Can any one tell about google earth live ?;mkt=en-US%26amp;FORM=鈥?/a>

Check that out.

Aren't you glad Google Earth is not live and real time? It would allow people to spy on each other and open?

up a lot of legal, moral and privacy issues.|||At the rate technology is advancing, I don't think were to far from being able to spy on each other via the net, Big Brother really will be watching us!

Mind you it's an interesting concept, we would be able to attend our contacts parties, barbecues etc via google earth, just image we could go on virtual holidays with them not forgeting a virtual sleep over, endless virtual possibilities all achieved in real time. In time will we ever need to step out of our front doors? sounds depressing to me actually!|||okie dokie then.|||Yeah, that wouldn't be good for me since I literally have a glass ceiling.|||It is live if your a government official, those things run video man. You just can't see on a cloudy day obviously.|||Wow, nobody thought of that! You are clever!|||yeah, but think about how cool that would be ?

always the negative, with others - isnt it ? :D|||i guess|||Yeah, that would be BS. It will probably be like that in a few years..

My ex could have caught me cheating on him.. j/k|||Yeah. That would be very creepy..|||nope i would love that|||Yes, it's definitely not live;

I saw my truck in the old driveway, a year after I moved.....!!|||Well I'd like to spy on others...but yeah I guess I'm glad.|||Definitely! Although I have to admit it would be pretty cool to see other people's. Haha.|||If it were, people would be able to see which finger I was holding up. Hint: it is not my index finger.

Is there a live version of google earth or something similar where you can see what is going?

on at this very moment? for example can i type in an address of a starbucks and see who is coming in and going out of the starbucks at this very moment? does law enforcement have access to such technology? is it only for them?|||just you can't! :)

but you can use this site:

to see what is going on at the top towns in the world!

search at google for: live webcams in the world

to find more sites like that|||Having something like a "Google Earth Live" would be an invasion of privacy %26amp; more to the point, the technology for that set up simply does not exist. No, law enforcement does not have that either|||No

Should Google earth Have a live Burning man cam for this week?

so those of us who couldnt attend can still experience it. If you enter in "Black Rock city", will it zoom in on the festival?|||Sorry to hear you can't make it, if I see any live camera feeds I'll wave :)

This year is my first year, I so can't wait! I just finished making a pair of stilts!|||Burning man is retarded. It's just a bunch of stupid hippies getting f'd up on drugs.

How do i get google earth live free [ not google earth } if possible???鈥?/a>

Is there any free or trial versions of software that is like Google Earth, only live? Thank You!?

nah, the server laod would be enormous

but anyways here is something -鈥?/a>

How do you go live on google earth?

You cannot.

Google earth/windows live there anything thats really LIVE or more recent?

i can date google earth as being a couple yrs old , not sure about live%26amp;local but its not that recent either...anything actually live and better focused?|||Yes, you are right, Google Earth is not that recent. However, they say that they are continuosly updating the pictures so that they are at most 3 years old.

However, if you are still looking for the "live"st pictures, there are some sites on the internet that let you to take a satellite picture (but you need to pay, of course). All you need to do is to give them the exact data for the latitude %26amp; longitude. Then, in 2 or 3 days, they will send you the picture. You can make a google search for these sites (they are usually military sites).

On the other hand, I don't know any program or sites that lets you to view recent photos and that is free.|||dunno sry|||we can't get wat u mean|||Google earth of my block is at least 4 years old. The townhouses across the street were built at least that long ago, but show up as an empty lot. And yes, it's very blurry.

How can i get live google earth,minute by minute.?

i've already got it but it ain't live the shots seem to be very old,how can i see things live,i don't care if it costs money,i want real time.|||the kind of Technology you are talking about would be a invasion of privacy and for that reason does not exsist, or at least publicly does not exsist|||there is no version of google earth that has real time. in fact, there is nothing like that available to public. I don't think the satellites are designed for such a capability.|||you can't

only the military can|||There is no public version of satellite feeds sorry.|||Don't exist, at least as far as i know. %26gt;_%26lt;|||i dont think you kan do that but if you find out let me know

Is there a site like Google earth where you can view live feeds of earth?

I have been to a couple of these sites and they haven't been updated in years. I thought it was live at first.||||||nope no live feeds of earth unless you have your own satellite or if you are in the military|||google earth does not show live feeds but has taken photographs. if you wnat see the sites like this here are couple of them:

Is there a google earth (live) available?

If you mean live satellite images, no! These pics are government pics and they will not release live info.|||No, it's satellite pictures so it will never be real time if that's what you are asking.|||There is; Its a pay for site, but its not in real time.

Google Earth, the Pay for edition, has a delay, unknown, and the resolution is not as high as straight Satellite Pics

Help live google earth need?

any own know any site for live earth images or indian live came?|||only the military can get live images

you are welcome|||Are u working in military?Only then u can

How do you view google earth live?

As far as I know, Google Earth isn't available in live streaming video. Images used for Google Earth and Google Earth Pro are actually collected from other agencies making use of their own satellites for their own purposes. Google doesn't own it's own satellite for the purpose of Google Earth. If they did, why wouldn't the photo quality of the images used in Google Earth be more consistent? Instead, some photographs are black and white, others are of less quality of resolution. The reason is that what you see when you use Google Earth is a patchwork quilt of images borrowed from the photographic collections of other agencies.|||Umm...Hack the satellite?|||In a browser

Where can I download google earth live?

You don't know how to use the search box? What do you even have a computer for? Type Google Earth in the box and hit enter.|||here -|||google it I would?

Do they make google earth with live seeing.?

I was wondering if they had google earth where you can acutally see what is going on or any other system where you can see the people and traffic that is actually happening.|||No, they don't make google earth with live seeing

Good luck!|||Not on Google earth, too complicated and expensive. look for local live webcams in the area you are interested.|||No. But with their money, I bet they could. It is probably illegal; people could use it to stalk or to spy.|||sorry dude they sont make it i know i would have liked it i could have seen what was going on|||No.

How do i get google earth live?

you buy it.|||Where is it sold??? Thanks.

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|||pay for itttttttttt|||by going on the cumputer easy

How do i find city street live web cams?in google earth?

their a web site that lets you watch cameras on street web cams :on google earth how do i get it?|||Nope. Live satellite feeds are reserved for government affairs only! If they allowed that for public use, people could spy on certain parts of the earth that aren't authorized, such as a secret military air base, or something like that. It would also allow pervs or stalkers to constantly watch people's houses. What kind of catastrophes would that create in the world today?

Is there any live satellite site to see Earth live?other then google Earth.?

I use to see map through Google Earth but that don't show Live pictures.Iwould like to see Vehical moving in some place live!!|||Go to the space station. Check it out over there..|||u can try NASA World Wind too.|||if u got answer plz tell me also thanx|||It's not Live, that I know of, but Microsoft's Terraserver is similar. (|||There are no "Live" satellite sites for the public to view....

The military ? Thats a different story....

Can i get live gps positioning on google earth with my n95?

Can google earth show me my GPS positioning, through my N95, in real time.|||Errm, I don't think you can... You can upload gps logs onto google earth (but not the free version).

What you can do is download google maps to your N95 which will give you real-time gps tracking... But you'll need a data connection on the N95 so that you can download the appropriate bits of googlemaps as you move.

If you want to track your mobile phone via GPS from your home pc using google earth, then I think you might have to get hacking nasa or whichever branch of the US government controls all the satellites!!

Is google earth live?

is google earth in real time|||"Are Google Earth images captured in real time?

No, they aren't. Our images are photographs taken by satellites and aircraft sometime in the last three years.

Are there cities covered in detail worldwide? Or just in the US?

When were these pictures taken? How often are they updated?

Our images are photographs taken by satellites and aircraft sometime in the last three years. The images in Google Earth are updated on a rolling basis."|||no there satilite images updated every few months|||no, of course not. That's like asking if "Autoroute" is live.|||nope it's not.|||No, some of the photos are quite old. Some of the photos the landscape is covered in snow, yet a couple of miles away it's totally clear. I think they just use the most recent photos of the area. It's still very cool though.|||No but they do update it from time to time.

Happy Christmas.|||No. It shows historic satellite images that are occasionally updated and they are working to improve the image quality in areas where the resolution is poor.|||No. It is a combination of archived satellite and aerial photographs.|||No. This is especially apparent when you check out Google Earth at night.|||No.|||in some places gogel earth is up to 5 years be hind i know becous on that my house is not eaven built yet|||Certainly not in real time, and at least part of it isn't even from space. There's this photo taken of a topless sunbather (at least that's what's claimed). The apology was that the plane would normally fly higher but was not allowed to in that particular airspace.|||no, there are satelites updating it everytime|||not yet but the day will come when it is.

probably for military purposes there is a live version thou

How do i get GOOGLE EARTH live version?

Try searching on it on google?

Is there a live satelite view something like google earth but live?

i herd that you have to like sign up for a license er somethin|||not currently. but google will use a satilite in space and make a google earth in 2020. Its sort of ironic they're going to call it google earth 2020. no not currently|||No. There is no live satellite feed you can sign up for unless you work for the NSA or the CIA,.|||Not unless you are the FBI

How can we see live moving objects , humans , animals , cars , etc and everything on google earth ?

Actually I mainly want to see tigers and lions moving live on earth from the top .|||No you cant saw like that.'cos google map is not a live telecast it is already recorded thing.

if you want to see live maps you have to go to any research centre they have live camera for u.|||You cannot.

Google earth is not a live image of the world. Many of the pictures are 2,3 even 10 years old in some places.

You might be able to find some video somewhere on the web of lions and tigers taken from airplanes and helicopters, but you will find nothing like that on google earth.|||You can't, to much memory for google earth to record whats going on all around the world. Its also a major violation of privacy, think about it.

Where can I get the most updated satellite images of USA with features like windows local live or google earth

It's okay if I have to pay for it, but please recommend one with the fairest price. Google earth and such are over 3 years old.



they boast the most up-to-date stuff.

Google earth live? is this possible?

is it really possible to view people actually walking around live on google? if so, how do you get it?|||noo check google earth.|||No however if you search at instacam by zip code you can find live web cams.鈥?/a>|||No. The images on google earth are anywhere from a few months to 5 years or more old. Tip: Access secret Flight simulator By pressing %26lt;Ctrl%26gt;-%26lt;Alt%26gt;-%26lt;A%26gt;

Email me if you need more help.

How much we hav to pay for google earth live image? procedure to pay?


First you would have to set up a global network of satellites with ultra-high resolution cameras.

Then you would have to set them up with defenses so that everyone who doesn't want to be spied upon would be unable to shoot them down.

Then you would have to get them into orbit.

Then you would need to do a deal with Google so they would use the imagery.

... and so on.

Is google earth live, if not can someone tell me a webiste or program i can see live action?

I dont think there is one. On google earth it still shows a car in my back yard that hasnt been there in over a year. whats up with that..sheesh|||i dont think there is one. so im sorry.|||You should ask the CIA about this. I'm sure they have something. I don't know if they'll let you use it tho.

You'd be better off renting a plane and personally flying over the place you want to see.|||Contact NASA|||no, of course google earth is not live

maybe cia or kgb have sth for u


How could I download for free google earth live?

i think that you can't

Is there any Other program like google earth,that i can view the world live?

free or paid doesn't matter

i want to view the world live. because, google earth the pictures are, at least a couple of years old

pls advice if there any other product which is better then google earth

thanks a lot|||Right now, google earth is probably the best one out there. I mean, cmon, its GOOGLE! The next step would be a live satellite feed.|||Yes, but it is not available for public use. Government only.|||

Is there a google earth LIVE free download out there any where? i seen it on the news a few months ago?

yes,just type it in your search bar

How do you find google earth live? i wanna see everything live but i dont know where to find it?

try that|||No such thing exists!|||You could try knocking on the door of either the C.I.A. or the N.S.A. and ask to view a live feed of the earth. Perhaps the Pentagon may help also.|||Come back in 5-10 years when those live traffic cams and such things are on every street corner. Otherwise, you're out of luck.|||that would be almost impossible to do! lol

How is it legal for Google Earth and Live Search to have aerial pictures of our houses online?

For anyone to see?

I mean, seriously, what if someone wanted to stalk me and rob my house ---- they'd have a bird's eye view of it all. wtf.|||yeah exactly.. i asked my parents the same thing.. all they say is ''don't do anything bad then no one will stalk you'' wtf.|||Because you have no legal expectation of privacy in an aerospace view of your property. It's a house. It's visible. If you want it to be obscured, cover it with a big tarp or be Dick Cheney (Google Earth the Vice Presidential's pixilated).

If they used infrared imagery and got images of you in an intimate moment, that would violate your expectation of privacy.|||Well, a search warrant is only required for the INTERIOR of the house. Anything in 'plain view' that can be seen by every/anyone is legal.|||Well, you can't really see what's going on in the picture because it doesn't zoom in close enough.|||it depends on the country...

here in Germany isn't allowed..|||I agree. It kind of creeps me out.

Can Google Earth get LIVE satelite shots?

I heard you can, but I'm not sure.|||Not yet.|||At a cost of several million dollars to re-task a satellite for a particular view, never.|||yes%26gt; but only for the military due to national security|||no u cant......... but i think it wud not b long till we get this thing too

Is there a live Google earth so we can watch our houses live ?

Of course there isn't and if there were it would not be

available to the public domain.

After the hoo ha over privacy why do you think faces

and vehicle number plates are pixeled out?|||No; all the high res Google Earth views are from low flying aircraft (or cars for streetview) and are only updated every few years. The American and possibly other security services claim to have satellite cameras that can do real time hi-res anywhere in the world, but you might have a little problem accessing them|||Only the government is watching your house live. So are the police. By 2015 air space in certain parts of the country will be open for drones to fly over the US and spy on you and me. Right now they fly over Utah, Nebraska and Florida. Possibly others that I'm not aware of.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.|||no and thats never gonna happen unless you apply to become president.. if there was something like that would mean there would need to be millions and millions of expensive satellites in the sky to cover every user|||Dude I wish, there might be but I don't know. Just wait for someone else to answer who might have something similar or actually what your looking for.

Do you think there will ever be a live google earth?

like you can watch everything live of the world, like the government seem to have?|||No. There are national security issues and MANY MANY MANY other federal and international laws to prevent this. try and take a trip through north korea on google earth.|||yes, i cant wait, i know there are street cams that you can access online (one in Oban, Scotland) and control, but live google earth, wow it would take over my life! I would be forever be peeping down girls blouses from the sattelite and watching area 51 and such|||Yes but It Will Probably Not Be Open to Public. That Would Be Privacy Invasion and Alot of People Would Sue.|||Not while it's still flat.

What if Google Earth was live?

That is, if any civilian could zoom in to any point on the earth and see a live video feed of what was going on. How would this be used for good and evil? For example, police could use it to fight crime but stalkers could use it to spy on people.

Try to avoid debating about whether or not the technology would be possible and focus more on the philosophical and legal issues.|||THAT WOULD BE EFFIN AWSOME. WELL YOU COULD ALSO KNOW WHEN PEOPLE ARE LYING TO YOU? AS IN OOOH NO WERE NOT HOME BUIT THEY ACTUALLY ARE. NOT THAT PEOPLE DO THAT TO ME BECAUSE IM COOL BUT YOU GET THE POINT|||As they say the key to the kingdom of God is the same key to hell.

In other words, although it has many advantages, one cannot deny the fact that it will definitely use for evil by some men. For a human being is an insatiable creature. He will get everything he can get. And desire everything he cannot have.

Legally speaking it is invasion to privacy. And yes it could be used to stalked. And the criminals will always know how to move cause he knows where the police are coming from. That is why although it could fight crime it might also alleviate it.|||We'd all be in trouble and have to quit our little antics that we do in the privacy of our own yards. There's the good, like you say, but it's an invasion of privacy as so many people have complained about the latest embellishments to birds eye view, google earth, etc.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Is there a live feed for Google Earth?

Someone once told me that they found a live feed for Google Earth. Is there such thing?|||No. that 'someone' is a moron. Remove yourself from his/her presence immediately to save what's left of your own IQ.

Is there like a way to see earth live kind of like google maps but live u know? ?

Google maps live or somthing like that?|||Only the government has access to that right now.... it would be a breach of national security if that was public.|||No.

Is there any system to view live traffic by google earth?

I have google earth 5 in my pc. do u know any way to see real time traffic?|||No, but if you go to your state's department of transportation website, they might have live streams of their traffic cams. Some states have it and some don't.|||When you view the traffic, it updates from Google Maps online which updates from some other source. It is relavent information... there's just no streaming of video feeds for the viewing pleasure...

I believe if you pay the $400 a month you can obtain the live video!... Not sure... I haven't payed for Google Earth yet but I know it's available!!!|||No way to see actual live cameras of traffic that I'm aware of, but if you tick the traffic checkbox on the lower left under layers it'll put colored dots on the roads that indicate how bad traffic is.|||You can see real time traffic density if you use Google Maps.|||it is not possible Google earth runs off of updated photos of the earth, try using traffic cams just google search it

Is there really such thing as 'google earth live'?

Someone told me about a newer version of google earth called 'google earth live' where everything is live; you can see people walking, cars moving, and even zoom into windows of peoples' houses. So I went home and did a search on it, but only the original google earth came up. Is it real or not? If so can you send me a site were I can downloaded it and check it out for myself?|||Someones having you on.

For google earth they take lots of pictures with satellites or planes. There is no way they would be able to get them picture to you live and for free.

Give it maybe another 50years, we haven't got computers quick enough to do it yet.|||No this is not true everything you see on GE is old it can not be live because its a matter national security. We don't want other armies out there seeing what we are doing at the base.|||Edit: Re-researching.

Edit 2: It seems to have been an April Fools joke someone came up with that was popularized across the web

However having said that, it is not inconceivable to have live streaming images broadcast from geostationary satellites positioned over certain cities. Those satellites are already in place handling global communications and if they had a camera on them it wouldn't take too much effort to provide a video feed. That being said, it would not be able to zoom in at the level of the existing imagery.|||No there is no such thing as Google Earth Live.

I wish there was though. But anyway if there was it would be very popular and there would also be a lot of issues which would cause for it to be discontinued

Can someone give me instructions on how to download google earth live?鈥?/a>|||

You really need high speed internet to use it.

Is there something like Google Earth Pro that is live and still shows the google earth pro detail?

I am looking for something that is like Google Earth Pro but live, where you can visit anywhere on earth like google but live and higher resolution, THANKS.|||You don't have the security clearance to be asking that question.|||There is "real time" sattelite imagery out there but its only used by governments at this time. The way things are going I'm sure it will be availible in the near future to us but it will have areas that will be 'fogged out' for security reasons even then.|||no there is no LIVE software like that... these are aerial photos... MSN Virtual Earth is another program that is taking on Google Earth.|||u need to go to better comp on thecounter ,com

Google earth LIVE?

is there such thing as google earth LIVE?|||No. It was an Aprils Fools joke back in 2007.鈥?/a>|||How could there be? It would be a nightmare to make (think of all the satellites), and probably infringes peoples rights in some way. Everyone on the planet on film at once... It would be a bit creepy.|||No there is|||maybe in the future but they don't have the technology yet

Live footage from satelite google earth?

My friend was telling me they have this live google earth now that you can type the date in see fottage from that day like or like its live, but i can't find it anywhere, i think iut's be cool please help|||Your friend is misinformed or joking.

Google earth live??????????

can i get such thing like google earth but live.?

not like pictures taken.

i think nasa has that program will i be able to download it :S ??|||If you want a live feed, I don't think you can get one. I think it's illegal.

Is there a google earth live...............?

is there a google earth that you can see everything thats happening now not like in a picture way but like live like whats happening now?|||No unfortunately, the only was as of now, is to be a government agency.

Because there would need to be TRILLIONS of satellites if many people would be trying to use the service at the same time, because you can only look at 1 area per satellite. This would also pose a security risk.

Google Earth How do I find and download google earth I live in the uk?

I would love you find it but where?|||just go to google and download from there|||go here|||鈥?/a>|||Search google eart or go to it has the download option in the right hand corner =)|||||||||you have to search "google earth" on the google home page.

The is a download now button click that an click run.|||Go here get the free version|||Your Blond or real thick...|||Simply put "Google Earth" in a search engine. Check the list you will get up. Go to the site. Follow instructions. It is quite simple because I managed to do it!!

The version that you can download is free but somewhat out of date - it is still good fun though finding your house and those of people you know.

Happy Flying!

Where can i use Satellite view of homes using Google Earth Live! for free?

i wanna view my house for free but google earth cost money. any alternative%26gt;|||Google earth doesn't cost money. I don't know why you'd think that.

Visit and download Google earth.

If you're talking about copyright issues, then no service will allow you to use images commercially. Though, most of the time, satellite pictures of your house will fall under "fair use" laws. This means that you shouldn't worry about legalities unless you use your images of your house for commercial use. Even then, you'd be justified.|||If you need to see a home, use 'street view' or just regular satelite view, click the button in the top right corner in google maps that says satelite... its already free...|||Jsp Tutorials-

Is there a google earth that show a live view?

Hello, is there a google earth that shows a live view, instead of pics that are years and years old|||No, because that would involve millions of satellites all streaming at the same time, which would be very f*cking expensive.|||google earth does show a "live view". it is just a picture that doesn't refresh but once every two months or so.|||No, would be a breach of National Security. We'll never have access to that type of technology.

Is google earth live ?

Is google earth live at that minute ??|||Not at all. They update their satellite view only once every 6 months or so... so what you see is not live.|||paid subscription is live.

you may try coming soon to internet

for now you may try "earthcam"(without qoutes) live streaming of places|||NO, it is not live

On average the images are 3 years old, also not all areas are in high resolution yet|||Yes they have millions of satellites and cars with cameras down on the street level running every moment of every day.|||No.

I believe they are images taken from angles blended together to make a semi 3D image.

Test it by getting some one to go stand in your garden and look out for them|||lol no. that would be awesome though

Do you think Google Earth will go live?

Do you think/know Google Earth will one day go live?|||I hope so! I think its neat to be able to see my house 4 - 5 years ago though. I miss the cars I had back then!!|||If you want to finance the additional satellites required, and the retasking of each at a cost of millions of dollars when somebody wants to view a particular place, they might consider it. If you also offer to cover any costs for invasion of privacy.|||It may, but not for many many years. The sheer computing power needed is far beyond anything we have now.|||Maybe one day. Not soon though.

Is there a website like Google Earth, but live?

It has to be free. Like Google Earth, you type in the area and the cam will look over it, but it's happening live.|||There are no live satellite feeds like Google Earth, but there are a ton of live webcams all over the internet. The website they're at depends on what you're looking for.

Don't expect to be able to look at every square inch of the Earth through webcams though. You'll only find them on highways, landmarks, zoos, and other places of interest.|||No|||It doesn't exist... Or if it does only the NSA will have access to it..|||no of course not, google at the begin was on live, but starts the complains and now is the way it is.


Whats so good about the premium google earth? Is it live so you can see people actually movie?!?

Me and my friend want to know if we upgrade to google earth premium, thats 400$ dollars will we see live people and moving things?|||No you won't. The only real difference is better 3D, and GPS integration. You will never be able to see a live streaming view of earth. Not in this lifetime at least. It will stir up Federal legal issues, and it's not possible. Because the satellites are moving, and only pass a certain area once a day.|||Its not live, no.鈥?/a>

Is there such thing as a live google earth?

the same qualities as google earth but with moving video of everything around the world, like me being able to see myself walk out on my driveway with my laptop?

know wat im saying?

does that exist yet?|||yes it exists, but that satellite is restricted to govermental agencies. Where do you think all the images come from?|||no may be but it is for army and other security not for public, for security reason.|||Ya Not Yet May Be In Future|||Not yet, but im sure eventually.

How to download google earth LIVE?

i really wanna download the google earth LIVE version, the version where you can actually like see people and cars and they're going on right now. PLEASE where do i download this????|||You will never get Google Earth live feeds.. You will get some great ariel footage but not live..

If you want to see live streams then just typr the area you want and add live streaming to the search..You will find lots of cams near you..My nearest live streaming cam is 55 miles from me "london" and the nearest cams which are only updated "refreshed" every 5 minutes is about a 1 minute walk..Try this and eventually you will see lots of live cams and not just traffic..

PS.would you want someone you dislike ,like an employer, ex b/f, family, etc following you around everywhere! Thats what it would be like and for criminals and terrorists lord knows what could happen..

Latest Free Google Earth Free Download.

Good luck..|||my ******* school blokes all the web sites

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|||my ******* school blokes all the web sites

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|||I think you're looking for "Google Street View" -- so just Google "Google Street View" and you'll be able to see the live stuff -- people on the street, driving, etc.|||There is no such version, it takes a long time and a lot of work for this sort of data to be collected and put online, it just can't currently be "live".

Is there such thing that is better then google earth for live maps?

I am looking for something more on a street level. Does anyone have a detailed map of terceira azores with all the street names?|||You can try Bing Streetside. But Bing maps are still in beta, so I'm not sure it will work for Azores.|||No yet....but have you tried zooming down to it's lowest level. Other than that just getting a paper street map from the location you're trying to locate.

Is there any possible and realistic way to make Google Earth "Live"?

Is there any possible and realistic way to make Google Earth "Live"?

Please help :D|||The short answer is no.

The long answer is Google would need a whole lot of satellites to accomplish that and it would be very, very expensive. In fact, you can't get close detail of the entire surface of the earth now. And that would cost serious bucks. If you had a few satellites under your personal control then you could do it but if you had that kind of money, you'd not ask these questions on Yahoo!|||No. Google Earth is made up of satellite imagery, and some of it is actually several years old. You CAN go to and find live feeds all over the place, but not Google Earth.|||Simple answer: No.

You would need access to a sever which has live feed, such as a server owned by Northrup Grumman or the NSA. Otherwise, you would have to launch several of your own satellites, coordinate them to cover specific parts of the globe at the specific times, setup an expensive data transfer link and then buy a very expensive server and then configure Google Earth to connect to it (that's the easiest part).

What is the best google earth live free download app for Nokia N8 ( 2011 ) ?

not sure I want to know as well

Is the technology there for a live google earth?

And do you think one day, when we are all chipped, anyone will be able to type in someones name and it will zoom into their present location? And the world police will knock on our door asking questions about our movements.|||Yes there is but the Military and MI5 and FBI and other forms of law enforcement wont allow us to see or use it.|||That technology doesn't currently exist.

A big misconception about Google Earth is that it is all satellite imagery- it's not. Most of the photos on the closer zooms are aerial photography, ie. from helicopters and planes. That makes what you're suggesting very difficult.|||Stop it ! You're scaring me!|||it is yes but the fattys cant be botherd to make one

Google earth live hervey bay web cams?

Hey so i live in hervey bay, queensland australia and my ex said he used to watch some live camera outside the local maccas using google earth. So....i cant find a way so im thinkin hes talkiin crap....but thought id ask anyways if anyone knows how|||just type in the address and zoom in close and if theres any cams close by they should show up as you get closer. Make sure you are allowing the cams and street names etc in the left side of the screen.

What is the website with nice places you can see on local live and google earth?

i know there is a website like this because i went on it before;

it shows pictures from and i think google earth like bill gates house amusement parks big houses, planes, missiles and stuff

please help!|||I'll be watching the answers to this with interest! GOOD question!

Where can I download google earth live at for free?

Without getting a ton of viruses etc..|||how live google earth?|||Google earth is freeware so its....Well free

Google earth?

how can i see the google earth live version? like where you can see exactly whats going on at that moment? but i need to get it for free because i have no credit card and all these sites want money! please help! thank you|||You can NOT see a live version..I don't know if this will ever be allowed due to peoples privacy and everyone being able to follow everyone around which i would not want..|||I downloaded it, it's free, you just google "google earth" and it will take you through the process, but it does take some time to download.

It is well worth the effort.|||go on google maps, hit street view|||try downloading it from|||i dont think that is possible .. you trying to spy on someone??|||Download this and install it.

Make sure you have the horse to pull the cart!!!|||What Jessie said

Google Earth: Live streaming images available?

I was curious to know if Google Earth or any other program allows you to view live satellite images of your home or other places on Earth?|||There are many public webcams, but to have a live-fed satellite cam in continuous or even continual operation would be cost prohibitive.|||Absolutely not, well at least not to the public. Lol. Because then people would complain about invasion of privacy. :p|||CREEEPY|||Not that the general public would have access to!|||No, that would be creepy.

How can I open google earth live online?

Yeah it is possible!! First Download Google Earth client. Then install it. Opening Google Earth makes it always online. Actually, the whole Google maps are downloaded dynamically. Google Earth features lots of action. Try it and you will find them yourself.

Note : Live does not means live map movie. They are actually snapshots from satellite taken time to time.

Enjoy!!|||Listen Dude, there is no way for tis

Yes, For sure you can use Google's Live map service:

GooGle Maps !

follow here:|||first you go to google map then serach the place|||at first u should install google earth software (app 11MB) after that u use online.

and if u dont want to install Google earth than just go to google map.

How can I view live satelite photos on a mobile device (android apps) like google earth live?

Sorry, but we don't have universal, continuous stalk-your-ex capability yet. Google Earth Live was recorded by camera trucks trundling through the streets. My neighborhood, for instance, shows a van in my driveway that I sold a year and a half ago. And it's summer in the sequence, too.

How many satellites do you think we'd need to keep constant surveillance on every street in the US? And then how do they get down to street level and view everything horizontally?


Is there a live google earth?

i heard that there is a new live google. is it true? if there really is a live google earth how can i get it?|||There is no access to any live satellite images unless you work for a government at this time.

~|||No way man but I really wish to have it so I can see what's everybody is doing right now. Man I wish I could work for the government.

How long until the pictures of a google earth image go live? (from there camera car thing)?

Basically this afternoon one of there google earth street view cars went down my street and i was wondering... does anyone know how long it would take for those to be live and me to be able to look at my picture...?|||A very, very, very long time. The google thing is just a stupid project.

The government has satellite cameras that can do it today, but only one person can control the live feed location.

To get a live feed you need multiple cameras with insanely-high resolutions (to avoid zooming) to accomplish it.

Is what you see on Google Earth live or just pictures?

My crazy friend Cara-Mildred is trying to tell me it's live feed, (even though it's daylight in Vegas at like 3 in the morning). Am I right? Is she on crack?|||Anyone with the name Cara-Mildred could never be on crack. Leave the poor girl alone.|||well it's only images, but I heard that there is a premium service that allows you to see live feeds|||The pics are anywhere from 3 to 5 years old. Tell your friend there is nowhere on the net that the public can view sat images in real time! I have hunted for years and aint found one! Even the doppler radar maps arent real time.|||Get on your wifi laptop and go outside and wave to yourself.

Wow in google earth its daylight everywhere. How do they do that.|||I dont know if she is on crack or not, but, you are right.|||yes|||Well its not in real time because of privacy/security. Its pretty cool though huh?|||Ohhh Google Earth LIVE... I didn't know such a thing existed. But no it couldn't be live feed. They're just images that were taken some other time of day. I heard that they're images fr the previous yr even. This guy told me that he could actually see his house tho !

You're talking bout Google Earth right ? I mean, there's only one of these things right ? I thought that maybe you were talking bout something else... Or... I dunno lol.

Are the clouds in google earth live?

No they're inanimate objects|||Google earth is not a live feed from a satellite you know

It's pictures from a certain time|||Live at the time the picture was taken. Google earth is made up of literally thousands of images taken by satelites and/or planes at various points. It is not live but should tell you at the bottom of the page when that image was taken. Clouds = pain in the **** if you're trana see your house!|||There are two ways clouds show up in Google Earth. There are a few clouds that show up in the actual satellite images. They are always there and can't be turned off. These clouds not only aren't live, but are up to 10 years old, whenever they took the image.

Google earth also has a "Weather" feature now, which can allow you to view clouds. These clouds aren't exactly "live," like there's a satellite with a video camera feeding you a live feed of the clouds, it's still pictures that are updated, so it's not quite "live." I don't know how frequently this is updated, probably every 10 or 15 minutes or so. So it's pretty close to a live image.

Help me find Live maps Like live Google earth?

Does any body know where i can find a program like google earth where you can watch live earth for Ex moving cars|||I'm sorry, but I don't know@

Does Google Earth Live present live moving objects, real life?

What I would like to know, is their a program or a way that a person can get automatic downloads of live moving objects? Like people, vehicles, moving waters such as rivers, lake, etc? And could the downloads come say like every 15 minutes? Something similar to how MICROSOFT has done in it's Flight Simulator software programs. Is their a cost for this kind of program and if it is, how much? Is this kind of program restricted to businesses only? Thank you and may I get a reply?|||They don't have permanent video cams scanning all the time. It's not Big Brother yet!

There are certain live cams for instance here,鈥?/a>|||google earth is not live, it is a series of pics taken a while ago. sorry i dont know of anything like what you ask for|||No such thing as "google earth live". Its a fake (Virus)|||no

How can I get software for Live google earth?

What I mean is I would like to see on earth any place live not photoes?|||go to|||Is it illegal for a non-military program to have such a feature

Can i download google earth live or not if i can HOW?

can anyone help me I've got google earth but I'm interested in it being live I've asked the library before but all they knew was that there is a live one but they don't know how to get it!|||You can get Google Live Streetview really easily by leaving the house and turning your body 360 degrees. Plus its in HD and 3D. Google think of everything.|||it is impossible to get live.|||By using... guess what... GOOGLE SEARCH you can get this answer just as easily as I did.

How can i download google earth live?

Seach google earth or not?|||I'm not sure what you mean by Google Earth live, but you can download Google Earth from here:

Does anyone know a website or download page of live google earth?

Im trying to view the world using google earth but it does not show me live , like it looks like its only pictures. If you know of a website to download a live one, to view live please let me know.|||In order to get a live satellite picture, you would need access to a satellite. I don't think any exist that give random people access to locations around the world, and you'd have to work with the images given to you from Google Earth. I imagine they're updated from time to time, but I don't know how often.

How to see google earth live?

How can i see google earth live, like see people walkin and cars moving, it doesnt hav to be google earth, but any software which can do this,|||There are live web-cams in some locations, but I'm not aware of anything that will cover a wide area in real time. As has been noted, major governments do have that capacity, but they're not about to make it publicly available :-)

If you have some specific location in mind, your best bet is to google for a local web-cam. You might get lucky|||This technology doesn't exist except for the uppermost echelons of government.|||I don't think you can...|||Hack the NSA's network.|||Buy a sattelite and put it into orbit

How can i download google earth live (free download) onto my sony erickson xperia cell phone?

i need to know how to get a free google earth live download on my sony erickson xperia cell.|||You can't just download any program onto any device. There must be a google earth live app made specifically for that phone or that phone's OS for you to be able to have it on there.

How can you download Google Earth Live free?

I was wondering if there was a way you could download Google Earth Live free?|||鈥?/a>

How do I make Google Earth Live?

I've heard of people being able to see the Earth live. Do they use Google Earth and do something to see it live, or do they use something else? Please help me.|||Not possible unless you work for the government and have direct access to a satellite|||you can't see it live

because of national security reasons|||to get live satellite feeds you need access to the the satellites that nasa or some governments use as far as i know they are not public. but I could be wrong.|||Are you trolling, or just plain stupid?

How do i get google live earth?

I heard about a google earth live that you can see streets and see people walking and vehicles moving. i wanted to know how to get that and is it free and more information about it. Please give me answers||||||only the military can get live pictures